Community Support - Residents Sign-Up


If you need help, or think you might need help, or just want to play it safe by letting us know who you are are where you are during the COVID-19 crisis, just register here.  Our team of volunteers will help keep you safe and comfortably isolated from possible infection. You may need some groceries delivered. You may need help with damage at home. You may just need to talk to someone.  Use this form and we will get you what you need.


Please fill the form below, and let us know what help you need. Sign up early, so we know who and where you are. It helps us coordinate our team of volunteers. And come here any time you have a specific need. Someone will contact you soon to make sure we have your information right.



And please read the "WPV HELP Guidelines" document, available here...  


Your full name.
Your physical address, including number and street name.
Your email.
Your phone. You can enter more than one phone.
What do you need? Regular check-in call? One-time delivery of products? Tell us what you might need, or come back here again and tell us every time you need something else.
All comments are helpful.

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