WFPD-Ready is building an all new curriculum, based on the best of classes given in the past, and adding some new things. Check back here to see new classes.  Currently scheduled sessions can be found on the Events page. They are also listed beneath the class descriptions below.


Basics of Personal and Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness

Learn the basics of preparing yourself, your family and your home for emergencies. You will gain skills and knowledge useful in any emergency. And you will learn how to get your neighbors together for even stronger preparedness.

Learn more and sign up on the Events page...


Fire Resiliency in Your Neighborhood

Learn how to harden your home and your property, to keep them from igniting. You will learn what the Fire Marshals look for in a properly defensible home. And you will gain skill that can be taken to your whole neighborhood.

Learn more and sign up on the Events page...


Emergency Communications

Learn how emergency information is distributed in an emergency.  Learn how to use two-way radios to better communicate in your neighborhood.

Learn more and sign up on the Events page...


First Aid and CPR with AED

Get certified in First Aid and/or CPR with AED in one day of classes. First Aid is typically offered in the morning, with CPR/AED in the afternoon, so you can take one or both.

Learn more and sign up on the Events page...


CERT Training

CERT stands for "Community Emergency Response Team." CERT is a FEMA-based program offering advanced training and practice in emergency response techniques. Once you have taken the CERT Basic class, you can take advanced classes in subjects like Incident Command, and Firefighter Rehabilitation. In an emergency, our sister organization, WFPD-CERT, runs CERT training and manages teams and equipment throughout our district. In an emergency, you will see these green-vest-clad volunteers responding to "next level" issues during the time that our normal responders, police, fire and ambulance services, are overwhelmed.

Learn more at the WPV-CERT website...


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