WPV-Ready is Our Local Emergency Preparedness Organization.


WPV-Ready operates in the Woodside Fire Protection District (WFPD), providing Emergency Preparedness information, education and resources. We cover the towns of Woodside and Portola Valley, and un-incorporated areas of San Mateo County including Emerald Hills, Ladera, Los Trancos, Skyline, and Vista Verde. Our goal is to reach every individual and neighborhood in the district, and help them become prepared for emergencies like wildland fires and earthquakes.


Our partner organization, WPV-CERT, is focused on building the strongest possible volunteer emergency response capability. It is organized as a full CERT program. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. Trained CERTs have learned how to work effectively in teams to provide a next-level response, putting out small fires, treating the most common medical conditions, searching for and extracting victims from damaged buildings, and other useful skills at a level beyond what individuals can accomplish.

Lean more at the WPV-CERT site...


Both WPV-Ready and WPV-CERT are operated by EPiC, which is short for "Emergency Preparedness in Communities, Inc." EPiC is a non-profit organization within the area covered by, and under the guidance of, the WFPD. EPiC receives funding from WFPD and the towns within its district. The Woodside Fire Protection District includes the Towns of Portola Valley and Woodside and some adjacent unincorporated areas. EPiC's goal is to promote emergency preparedness knowledge and skills at the citizen and neighborhood levels in the event of a disaster that overwhelms traditional emergency response resources.


It is rare, but IT HAPPENS that regular emergency services are entirely overwhelmed by an earthquake, wildfire, major storm, or other natural or man-made disaster. When a disaster strikes, it could take days to restore communications, or to reach people who need help.  WPV-Ready and WPV-CERT together help individuals to help themselves and each other.  "Neighbors helping neighbors" is how we succeed.

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