Emergency Preparedness comes in many shapes and sizes.
It starts with very basic things, like signing up for emergency alerts. It goes all the way up to extreme measures like home bunkers builnt in the ground. WPV-Ready does not build home bunkers or get anywhere near talking about them. WPV-Ready is about basic preparedness.
In fact, basic Emergency Preparedness is the only thing we advocate for. There are resources where you can take it as far as you like. But we just talk about the basics here. We DO want to get every resident in our district up to a certain level of basic preparedness.
That "district" is the Woodside Fire Protection District (WFPD). It defines the area where WPV-Ready operates. WFPD, our Fire Department, is also part of our "parent company", as are the Towns of Woodside and Portola Valley. These are the people we rely on to approve our projects!
Disaster comes in many shapes and sizes too.
It can be as minor as a power failure, even an anticipated Public Safety Power Shutoff. And it can be as large as a major earthquake or wildfire. We have many residents who have seen these in the past. We know they will happen again.
We organize the preparedness effort into small, easily accomplished projects. We organize local neighborhoods and communities into teams to help each other, because "many hands make ligh work." We give you simple checklists, and present online videos and training and other events to keep you organized effortlessly as you get better prepared.
Let's Get Started with The 3 Most Basic Steps!
Here are the first 3 steps. Here is how you can "jump start" your emergency preparedness. If every resident in the district had these three things done, as a part of the "basic assumptions of existence," we would be far ahead of disasters. You can do this in a few minutes.
Download our Emergency Preparedness Jump Start PDF... 
Stay Informed |
Register with SMC Alert to be sure you don't miss an official emergency alert. This is THE method used by our district to send alerts. Also learn about the many sources of information available to you before and during a disaster.
Learn more on our Stay Informed page...
Make a Plan |
When disaster strikes, you may not be able to locate your loved ones. You may need to evacuate. You may not be able to reach your home; who grabbed your pets and emergency kits? All of these things can be easily managed with a little planning.
Learn more on our Make a Plan page...
Get a Go-Bag |
When you need to leave to escape threatening fire, you may not have time to look for important items that you will need to get through the coming days. A Go-Bag is a kit that has all of your essentials. Grab it and go. It has some food and water, some clean clothes, medications you might need, and other essentials.
Learn more on our Get a Go-Bag page...
The rest of the steps are simple too.
Here is the rest of the list of basic things to consider now, so you don't kick yourself later. There is a printable version of this list that you can keep handy as you check off each item.
Get the printable version... 
Check Your Fire Extinguishers |
And be sure you have one everywhere fires usually start, and be sure that they are in good condition. |
Check and Test Your Smoke and CO Alarms |
Replace any that are questionable. |
Know Your Evacuation Procedures |
Practice now, so you don't have to think about it in an emergency. Plan what to take. |
Shake-Proof Your Home |
When the earth quakes, don't let your home break. |
Harden Your Home Against Fire |
If embers cannot ignite your home, they can not burn it down. |
Create a Defensible Space Against Fire |
If fire cannot get near your home, it can not burn your home down either. |
Store Enough Food and Water for 2 Weeks |
Food you like, water that's clean. Store some now, and avoid hunger and thirst. |
Prepare Your Pets Too |
In an emergency, they depend on you even more. |
Have Independent Power |
Whether the lines go down, or the power is shut off for safety, it's best to have your own. |
Know Your Utility Shut-Offs |
If you have a big leak, know how to handle it. |
Know How to Shelter In Place |
Have a room where you can seal yourself away from bad air. |
Know Your Neighbors |
In emergencies, neighbors helping neighbors is how we survive, in style! |
Know Our Big-3 Threats |
Earthquake. Wildfire. Severe Storm. If we can handle these, we're prepared. |
Organize Your Ready Community |
Find your local Community Leader. If nobody is doing it, you can start! |
Learn Response Skills |
Get trained in 1st Aid, CPR, and CERT skills. The life you save could be your family's.
Learn about WPV-CERT, our Emergency Response partner...
Next Steps
There are many ways to move on with Next-Level activities. You can join the WPV-Ready project teams, or learn advanced First Aid and CPR, or take CERT Basic Training to get some skills that are useful in responding to disasters. You might want to become a ham radio operator, or take on some advanced home hardening and independence projects.