In the event of an evacuation, every second counts. Get SET beforehand by taking three main preparation actions and take the time to familiarize all members of your household well in advance.
Evacuation planning means knowing EVERY evacuation route in advance. Fire is dynamic, knowing all your options is the best way to be prepared.
To view evacuation plans for Woodside Fire Protection District, click here.
3 Steps to Getting Set:
Stay Informed
By being proactive and keeping yourself aware, you will give you and your family the best chance to survive not just a wildfire, but any emergency.
SMC Alert 
Woodside Fire Protection District utilizing SMC Alert as the primary notification system used to immediately contact you during urgent or emergency situations. You can set alerts to send emergency and non-emergency text and voice messages to your devices to any city or town within San Mateo County. This is an opt-in system, and if you have signed up previously, now would be a great time to log into your account and ensure your information is up to date.
Check your registration now at
AM 1680 - Portola Valley Radio 
This is Portola Valley's broadcast station where you can listen to local updates and any emergency instructions. You can also stream this radio station via the internet at
Pulse Point 
PulsePoint Respond is a 911-connected app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when CPR is needed nearby.
Fire Dispatch 
Fire Dispatch publishes live fire department emergencies as they are happening - in real-time, unedited, and long before they become "news". You can track incidents, and see what those sirens are all about by going to Fire Dispatch.
Red Flag Warning & Fire Weather Watches
A Red Flag Warning is issued by the National Weather Service when low humidity, low temperatures, dry fuels and strong winds can combine to produce extreme fire behavior that is occurring or will occur in the next 24 hours. During a Red Flag Warning you should stay alert and ALWAYS follow any instructions provided by Woodside Fire Protection District.