We at WPV-Ready want to hear from you about anything on your mind, great or small. You don't have to join anything. You don't have to commit to anything. If you want to learn more about Emergency Preparedness, we want to hear from you. No matter where you are on the path to full preparedness, even if this is the first time you ever thought about it, we want to hear from you. We will answer your questions and get you the resources you need to get to any level of preparedness you want, at any speed you want to get there.


Our program coordinator is Selena Brown. Selena is also the Public Education Officer for the WFPD (Woodside Fire Protection District). You can reach Selena by email at SBrown@WoodsidefFire.org, or by calling (650) 851-1594.


Our committees and board meet regularly, and you are welcome to attend. You can find the next meeting on our Events page.


To find local preparedness leaders in your area, use the Find My Leaders page.


To contact us about your questions, concerns, suggestions, or a problem you are having with the web site, please send us a message at support@wpv-ready.org.


Register on the Website

By registering, you will get email announcements, and access to "My Profile," where you can keep important emergency contact information current, and track your participation as you attend any of our classes and events. Our database of residents is used ONLY for communicating information about emergency preparedness and response, and is never shared with outside organizations. There is one exception; in a declared emergency your information will be available to emergency responders to help save lives and property in your neighborhood.


You can register by clicking on the person-shaped icon at the top-right of any page.

Or click here: https://WPV-Ready.org/Registration.




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